Gaza Week

By Kentish Town Tube Station
3rd-9th June 2024

Week of action
3rd-9th June, 8am-8pm

Sunday 9th

Cultural for Palestine – music and arts

From 5pm

Irish for Palestine 3pm Sunday 9th

By Kentish Town Tube Station

If you are appalled by our MP’s support for Israel’s war on Gaza and the genocide of Palestinian people join us in Kentish Town. We will be there between eight in the morning and eight in the evening, every day for this week.

We’re taking a public space in the heart of Keir Starmer’s constituency, creating a space of learning, mobilising, energy and community resistance.

Starmer’s war

The number of children killed in Gaza is more than in all wars of the past 4 years

Hand of boy who was later killed in Gaza

We have to do something. Our local politicians betray our humanity.

Kentish Town

January 2024

We’re in Kentish Town, by the Tube Station, all day/all week 3-9th June

Come and join us. Bring flags, banners, flowers, music and …love.

Evening events from 5.30pm
(Saturday 2pm Families and Children)

Monday 3rd June (from 5.30pm)Camden Council - Divesting from GenocideCamden Friends of Palestine
Divesting from GenocideUnison
Andrew Feinstein
Anti-ZionismBarnaby Raine
Climate and PalestineHarry Homes
South Asia Solidarity GroupNirmala Rajasingam
Queers Solidarity With PalestineLisa Leak
Tuesday 4th June (from 5.30pm)Healthcare in GazaDr Jonathan Fluxman - Doctors in Unite
Faiths united for PalestineMassoud Shadjareh - Islamic Human Right Commission and Convivencia
Haim Bresheeth - Jewish Network for Palestine
Rev. Dr Stephen Sizer - Peacemaker Trust
Is Antisemitism Inevitable Sabby Sagall - Camden Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Wednesday 5th June (from 5.30pm)Healthcare in GazaHealthcare Workers 4 Palestine (5.30)
Don’t Forget the West BankCamden Abu Dis Friendship Association

Thursday 6th June (from 5.30pm)University Education in GazaJonny Jones
Israeli anti-ZionistYael Kahn
Anti-Zionism and PalestineNeil Rogall
Holocaust survivorStephen Kapos
Women of ColourSara C
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network UKSam Weinstein

Friday 7th June (from 5.30pm)University DivestmentStudents from encampments at University College London, SOAS, King's College, Birkbeck College, Central Saint Martins
Sanction Israel NowFight Racism Fight Imperialism
Saturday 8th June (from 5.30pm)Families and childrenStorytelling and play
Sunday 9th June (from 5.30pm)Cultural for Palestine - music and artsYung Yusuf , Spieght, Ciara, White Kite Collective, dabke and ballet dancing

Afternoon events

Pensioners for PalestineWednesday 5th June, 5pm
Irish for PalestineSunday 9th June, 3pm
Palestinian embroidery work / Origami / Crochet

Seven in ten Britons say Israel should stop its military action and call a ceasefire

YouGov May 10th

Khan Younis South Gaza
‘No water, food, health care, toilet’
“There are no games or dolls to play with, or even a house to take shelter in, and because we move a lot, I’ve lost touch with all my friends and now I don’t know anything about them.”

Our politicians betray us

Our MP Keir Starmer wants Israel’s victory

Our Council Leader Georgia Gould stands with Israel despite all we know

Camden Council refuses to even discuss the genocide

Our London Assembly member, Anne Clarke, supports Israel

Camden and apartheid

Camden has a long history of fighting apartheid. Our politicians turn their back on that.

Nelson Mandela arrives in Camden

Camden Labour Councillor Izzy Lenga

Camden pension fund has millions invested in Israel

Making money from companies that profit from Israeli apartheid, occupation and genocide

All colonisers see themselves in Israel

All colonised see themselves in Palestine

Starmer has been supporting the genocide in Gaza from early in the War when the scale of the horror was clear to all.

The people of Camden want justice for Palestine 

We have no one to speak for us

Join us in Camden’s Kentish Town and show your solidarity with the people of Palestine, each day from 8am to 8pm

Call on Starmer



an immediate unconditional ceasefire



the suspension of all arms sales to Israel



against Israeli war crimes



on Camden Council to pull all investments in Israel