Labour Support for Israel in Camden

Camden has a problem with Labour Zionism. Key individuals in the local Labour leadership are strong supporters of Israel, despite all we know about the state, while the membership of the Labour Party and the unions support boycotting Israel.

Camden Labour – home of apartheid

Georgia Gould – Leader of Camden Council

Gould is the Leader of Camden Council and Chair of London Councils.

The Labour Group on the Council, which she leads, refused to allow a ceasefire motion in the Council Meetings.

Labour councillors who support a ceasefire were threatened with expulsion. 

Georgia Gould is Labour Councillor for Kentish Town Ward

She is a member of the Israel supporting Jewish Labour Movement (JLM)

Over 9,000 women have been killed by Israel in Gaza

A proud feminist – except for Palestinian women

Protesting Camden Council’s refusal to hear a motion on a ceasefire in Gaza

Anne Clarke – Labour London Assembly member for Camden and Barnet

She toured Israel on a trip paid for by Labour Friends of Israel and writes for Labour Friends of Israel.

She is a member of Labour Friends of Israel

Anne Clarke (circle red) with Labour Friends of Israel delegation in 2023 with the Israeli President Isaac Herzog (circle blue).

‘There are no innocent Palestinians in Gaza’

President Herzog

Other supporters of Israel in the Cabinet in Camden Council

Councillor Danny Beales

Danny Beales (circled) is a Camden Council Cabinet Member for New Homes, Jobs and Community Investment, seen here on a Parliamentary Candidate Delegation To Israel  hosted by Labour Friends of Israel.

Danny Beales is Labour Councillor for Camden Square Ward

Newer entries to Camden’s Labour Zionists faction

Amongst the latest crop of new Labour Camden Councillors are Izzy Lenga and Rebecca Filer. 

These two new Councillors were imposed on their Camden Labour branches for the 2022 local elections against the wishes of the local Labour membership. 

The Jewish Labour Movement – for the expulsion of Palestinians

The first objective of the Jewish Labour Movement, as stated in its publicity, is “To maintain and promote Labour or Socialist Zionism as the movement for self-determination of the Jewish people within the state of Israel” with complete disregard for the original inhabitants and supports the expulsion of original inhabitants, the Palestinian people, to Gaza and surrounding countries.

The Jewish Labour Movement is a important body at the heart of Camden Labour. We have seen that the Leader of Camden Council is aMember. Now we have two officers of the The Jewish Labour Movement on Camden Council.

Councillor Izzy Lenga

Lenga posted this photo on her Facebook page. She has recently deleted it.

She is Labour Councillor for South Hampstead Ward.

Izzy is International Officer for the national Zionist Jewish Labour Movement .

A difficult task at the moment when everyone hates Israel!

Councillor Rebecca Filer

Rebecca Filer is another imposed candidate and now Camden Councillor for the Haverstock Ward.

Rebecca is National Campaigns Officer for the Zionist Jewish Labour Movement .

Mike Katz – National Chair of JLM

Mike is an important figure in local and national politics.
He is National Chair of JLM.
And importantly for Camden, he chaired the selection body that imposed these two candidates on their local wards

Camden – the epicenter of Labour Zionism

Labour Party Conference calls for sanctions against Israel

The Labour Party at its Annual Conference in 2021 condemned the ongoing Nakba in Palestine, accused Israel of practicing the crime of apartheid and called for sanctions against Israel. 

The vote was carried overwhelmingly by membership and affiliated trade unions at the conference

The media people around Starmer interrupted the live feed of this debate on BBC at the conference to prevent the country seeing the support for Palestine in the Party.

Starmer and colleagues ignore the members of their party and the affiliated trade union in their unwavering support for Israel.

And now, in this time of genocide, outside a small, but powerful, faction in the Party, there is little or no support for Israel’s war on Gaza in the Party.

If you are a Labour supporter show your revulsion at the genocide in Gaza by joining us for Gaza Week in Kentish Town.

No ceasefire – No vote